Friday, October 12, 2007

A New dawn Too

When you read this blog you will remember that it is the most wonderful blog you have ever seen. How can this be? you ask. This is because your way of seeing is so wonderful that you can see past the written words and discover worlds that others cannot see. You can hear things others cannot hear. Your whole world can be transformed because you choose to see wonders where others see letters and words.

So I invite you now to visit with me to discover the wonder of a single autumn leaf and the story it can tell. Have a conversation with it and see what an interesting existence it has had. It has drawn sustenance from the heart of the earth. It has travelled many miles to come into existence on the branch of the tree. Remember how wonderful it was in spring when it slowly opened up together with its brothers and sisters with all the freshness of spring. Then as it drank in the warmth and light of the sun and the nurturing flow of rain and mist it became greener and stronger. Maybe some flowers grew from its breast and were more beautiful because of its foil. As the long lazy summer days drew to a close it knew tht it was time for it too to remember its transformation time. It is not sad for it knows that soon it will change and gradually lose its vibrancy and the life it knows now.It needs to pass through the golden autumn days and then fall and become one with the earth once more. It falls on the ground and merges with its mother, the earth. She draws it to her bosom with affection. For she too knows that she cannot hold it young and fresh and green forever. She will allow it to rest in the dark earth and absorb new life so that when spring comes again it can emerge from the earth in a new way. It may even become a flower or a shrub or a tree. What a wonderful thought. How can we be sad knowing that we are part of the same wonderful cycle.

When we too flow with mother nature we will enjoy all the seasons of our life and find ever newer ways to bring to birth the life in our very being. When we too are drawn into the heart of the earth we know that there is a new story beginning. When winter winds blow cold we will hear the music and know that soon the soft brightness of spring is on its way. What a wonder. What a marvel. And you my friend you will remember this too in the days and seasons of your life. You will dance joyously and sing and know that you can make music no matter what the place or time or season. Let your song be the one everyone is waiting to hear.

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